Saturday, May 28, 2011

What not to wear!

Wow!  We just finished another school year with our students.  I can’t believe how fast time goes by.  I’m still on contract for a few more weeks, but with just the office people here, it’s amazing how much more I can accomplish!   Now it’s time to finish up this dissertation and start focusing on getting my body and mind ready for India. 
When I normally pack for a vacation in which the destination is a warm, tropical climate (Hawaii is the most tropical place I've been), I typically opt for the shorts that my mom says are too short for my age, and tank tops that I don’t care if strangers see me in because my husband tells me I’m gorgeous.  My shorts are usually jorts (jean shorts) and my other outfits are made with synthetic fabrics such as polyester, rayon, etc.  I will also bring some tennis shoes and flip flops depending on the activities we have planned.  I don’t plan on wearing a t-shirt over my swimsuit because there is always someone at the beach or pool much larger and much less-covered.  (Just because they make it in your size doesn’t mean you need to wear it.)  Well, when it’s going to be as hot and humid as they say it is, most of my wardrobe didn’t make the cut.  It's either too risque (for parts of India), not made from the right material, or just not sensible.
I’m pretty much finished up with buying stuff for my trip.  If you are interested in the plus size spring and summer fashion for elderly women at WalMart, then I’ll model it for you.  It’s all very sensible, comfortable, and 100% cotton…don’t judge!  We have been instructed to wear 100% linen or 100% cotton because it’s light and breathes.  I haven’t been very specific with you all about the weather.  It is monsoon season, so it’s high humidity and between 100 to 120 degrees.  The rain comes through quite often just to make it feel like a sauna.  They were very up front about this before we applied, so I knew this going into it.  Considering I’m not one to like anything requiring me to sweat, I have already been dealing with this and preparing for the worst.  But hey…I’ll be in India!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun with that. When we were in Japan a couple summers ago, it was much cooler than here but felt hotter due to the humidity. Just pretend you're swimming all day long & it'll be fine.
