Thursday, April 14, 2011

In search of the true meaning…

When people find out I’m going on this adventure, one of the first and most frequent comments made to me is about curry.  “Congrats!  I hope you like curry!”  “That’s great!  You’ll come back smelling like curry.”  “That’s awesome!  You’ll lose so much weight because all they eat is curry.”  Well, as much as I appreciate the ignorance and well-wishing, I plan to be able to answer one of the world’s hardest questions upon my return to Western Civilization.  What is curry?  From what I have gathered from conversation with my Indian friends, my searches on Wikipedia, and readings, it can mean many different things to many different people.  Even in India, dependant of what part of the country you are dining, curry can mean anything from a flavor, to a sauce, to just a vegetable dish.  I will post the pictures and my opinions along this journey to discover  what curry means to me.  I knew watching all of those hours of Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern would pay off a little!

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